Storm season is upon us, and homeowners are bracing themselves for the damage that lies ahead. While you can’t control what the weather has in store, you can take certain safety measures to prevent additional harm. One of the best things you can do after a flood or other natural disaster is to have an expert take stock of your water-damaged appliances and check the level of moisture.
If you notice that your appliances have gotten wet as a result of flooding, there are a few steps you can take to salvage flood-damaged appliances. Here’s what you should do to keep your electric appliances in proper condition and to keep your family and home safe.
Assess the Damage
Before you take any action, be sure to closely examine your appliances and assess the level of damage. If you notice any corroded electrical components, this is likely a result of soiled floodwater. Corrosion can cause your appliances to experience issues in the long run. Extensive damage may have you reaching for the phone to call an HVAC, plumbing, or water heater repair specialist in Springfield, IL.
Another common sign of flood damage is mold growth. If you wait too long before drying your appliances, they may begin to grow mold as a result of excess moisture. Fortunately, a professional can utilize state-of-the-art equipment to properly cool your appliances and keep mold at bay.
Determine if You Need a Replacement
In some cases, it isn’t possible to salvage flood-damaged appliances. If the extent of damage is too severe, the best course of action is to replace the appliance completely. It’s also a good idea to replace your appliance if it’s already past its prime. For older units, a replacement is often a more cost-effective option than constant repairs.
The decision to repair or replace also depends on the types of water-damaged appliances. Water heaters, freezers, and refrigerators warrant a total replacement in most situations. Additionally, washers and dryers are unlikely to survive if they are submerged in a flooded home.
Be Careful With Your HVAC System
Most of the time, you can evaluate your appliances on your own and decide whether they’re safe to use. However, as far as your HVAC system goes, it’s important to proceed with caution. There may be damage hidden somewhere inside the unit, and you might put yourself in harm’s way by trying to use it when it isn’t safe.
To find out if it’s possible to salvage flood-damaged appliances, call in an HVAC technician. An expert can thoroughly inspect your unit and diagnose any problems. After getting to the root of the issue, the technician can determine whether the situation calls for an air conditioner repair or a full replacement in your Springfield, IL, home.
Check the Water Levels
If you’re having trouble deciding whether to call for an appliance repair or replacement, consider the level of flooding in your home. Water-damaged appliances that have been submerged in a considerable amount of water most likely cannot be recovered. It’s best to replace these appliances instead of paying for repairs.
However, if there are only a few inches of water in your home, you might still be able to hold on to certain appliances. Refrigerators and freezers, for example, will likely be in good condition and are still safe to use.
If you’re wondering if it’s possible to salvage flood-damaged appliances, contact Mike Williams. Our HVAC, plumbing, and drain experts can inspect your appliances and decide if a repair or replacement is necessary. Reach out to us today to bring your water-damaged appliances back to their normal state.