Are There Different Types of Air Filters for Furnaces?
As a homeowner or occupant, understanding the nuances of your heating and cooling systems, especially the furnace, is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. A critical component of this system is the furnace air filter. In this blog, we’ll explore the various types of air filters for furnaces, helping you make an […]
2023 HVAC Efficiency Standards: How Will New Regulations Affect Homeowners
Big changes are coming to the HVAC industry — and we’d like to help you stay ahead of them! Starting January 1, 2023, all HVAC companies and manufacturers must comply with the new energy efficiency requirements established by the Department of Energy (DOE) on central air conditioners and air source heat pumps. These changes will […]
The R22 Phase-Out: Everything You Need to Know
On January 1, 2020, the R22 refrigerant phase-out began in the United States, stirring panic among homeowners across the country. The production and import of R22 were made illegal, although the use of the refrigerant remains allowed. Now, the only way for homeowners to access R22 is by purchasing refrigerant that is either recycled or […]
Why And How To Winterize HVAC And Plumbing Systems
As the winter months approach, it’s important that your HVAC and plumbing systems are equipped to handle cold temperatures. This means taking preventative measures to protect pipes from freezing and winterizing the heating system to ensure everything is running as it should. Professional HVAC technicians and plumbers in Bloomington, IL, can perform maintenance and conduct inspections, […]